March 12, 2025

It Cosmetics universal Contouring palette for face as well as Body: I Sculpt, You Sculpt, We Can All Sculpt With It Cosmetics

often the best appeal days are the ones where you don’t really try at all. Today I wanted to play with the new It Cosmetics universal Contouring palette for face as well as Body ($40), however I didn’t want to spend a lot more than 30 seconds on each eye. I likewise decided to channel my inner Pebbles Flintstone. Days like these are made for bold lips. It’s called deflecting!

Anyway, while It Cosmetics has created quite a charming palette, I find the brand’s advertising description kind of off putting. The mention of plastic surgery as well as fillers sets the wrong tone for me as well as makes me feel like the goal with contouring must be to actually change your features instead of improve them. Of course, there are times when the goal is to modification facial features, however I think for your typical cosmetic consumer (not makeup artist), that’s not what it’s about.


From It Cosmetics:

“Developed with plastic surgeons, the leading experts in contouring as well as aesthetics, each powder shade is formulated with proprietary best Lighting™ technology to simulate real facial contouring as well as supply a foolproof alternate to fillers. While the four contour shades take in light as well as lessen the areas to which you apply them, the two highlighters improve features you want to pull forward, creating the appearance of a lot more volume. Talc-free, as well as best for all skin types as well as skin tones, these shades are infused with anti-aging collagen, silk as well as peptides to blend effortlessly as well as provide smooth, natural-looking protection that lasts all day.”

I just don’t want to be made to think that there’s something wrong with my face. I have to look at this mug every day! makeup is heaps of fun as well as makes me happy, however I really try to only wear it to reveal myself, not conceal my insecurities. Also, I’m pretty sure that best Lighting™ technology is, like, matte vs. shimmer powders.

It Cosmetics universal Contouring palette for face as well as Body ($40)
Apart from my philosophical grievances with this palette, the formula is soft, pigmented, as well as soo simple to blend. I’ve been using it with this Contour & Highlighting Brush ($34.50 and also from It Cosmetics), as well as it does pretty much all the work for me. There is some dust that kicks up when loading up your brush, as well as the packaging is silver cardboard. It gets messy; I got contour powder in the highlighter pans a lot more than once.


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$ 42.

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Top: Soft Contour, Light Contour, Matte highlight Bottom: medium Contour, Deep Contour, brilliance Highlight

Overall, this palette runs too warm for my skin tone, however I can pull off the highlight shades as well as soft contour. often I dip into the deep contour shade for one more kick of dimension, however the two middle shades are far too orange to do anything for me except make me look like an oompa loompa.

The two highlight shades work well on me, though the matte shade is really just my skin tone as well as fantastic for all over my face. The brilliance highlight has got some severe glimmer without being overt glitter, as well as gives off a wet look, particularly if you spritz your brush with some repair +.

For my eyes, I went in with the Deep Contour shade (middle shade, bottom row) as well as just packed it on as well as blended it out with a huge fluffy brush. I’ve been really into smearing a single shade all over the lid as well as calling it a day. I’m kinda lazy, as well as it’s kinda chic. The deep shade worked really well as eyeshadow! Days later, I’m still wearing this look, as well as even adding the lighter shades to the crease. I will say — if you’re using these as shadows, use a primer first. I didn’t, as well as I think my ideal eye looks a little creased towards the inner corner.

There are a couple other things on my face that I need to tell you about.

Jeffree star Velour liquid Lipstick in Unicorn Blood ($18)
I bought Unicorn Blood a couple weeks back as well as haven’t taken it off since. whatever you’ve heard about Jeffree Star’s Velour liquid Lipstick formula is true. Det er fantastisk. It is a true liquid lipstick — the consistency is very thin as well as opaque. You absolutely need to provide it a great shake before use (as with a lot of liquid cosmetics) just to get the ingredients balanced; otherwise, it can go on a bit uneven.

I generally lean apathetic towards product scents as well as put up with some I’m not crazy about since the formula is great otherwise. I try to steer away from the vanilla cupcake/buttercream frosting scent that is so prevalent on the market, which brought me here. Jeffree Star’s newer shades, as well as some of his cult status shades, are root beer scented and…I don’t hate it. It iSN’T min foretrukne (jeg er okay med lugten af ​​maling. Selv på mine læber.), Men dets forfriskende anderledes. Det lugter endda slags kulsyreholdigt. Jeg er ikke engang virkelig sikker på, hvad jeg angiver med det, men det lugter ligesom root øl ideel, før du tager en slurk.

Unicorn Blood er din traditionelle rustbaserede dyb rødt. Jeg har endnu ikke brug for det såvel som ikke bliver spurgt, hvad jeg har på mindst fem gange. Du kan få dine pote på det en gang hver blåmåne på Jeffree Stars hjemmeside. Det er det værd.

Mac kosmetik i ekstrem dimension Vandtæt mascara ($ 22)


Mac har lige udgivet en vandtæt version af deres i ekstreme dimension mascara, såvel som jeg handler om det, såvel som ikke lige da det matcher den skygge af teal, der politikker mit liv. Det er alt omkring temmelig tilfredsstillende; Det forlænger, forstærker volumen, såvel som holder en krølle. Det smider ikke, flager eller får dig til at græde sorte tårer.

Den eneste advarsel for mig kommer med applikatoren. Jeg kan godt lide den afrundede ide til nedre vipper, de ydre såvel som indre hjørner, der tilføjer meget mere produkt til roden, samt at adskille en bestemt gruppe af vipper ad gangen. Jeg kan ikke lide at det er silikone. Mens du anvender det, hvis applikatoren rører roden til mine vipper, så det helt freaks mine øjne ud såvel som da har jeg tårige øjne for resten af ​​dagen, såvel som ofte mascara hvor som helst fra at lukke mine øjne, før det kan tør. #allergySeason.

Men det er vandtæt, så i det mindste forbliver det under min klodsige episoder!

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